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Preston Athletic 2-5 Penicuik Athletic

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Middleshot 3G


Preston Athletic

Starting XI | C Pennycuik, Cowan, Crozier, Liddle, McCathie, Stevenson, Binnie, McFarlane, Jardine, Trialist, Inglis

Subs | M McFarlane, Dimitrov, Wood, Reid, Young, D Pennycuik

Goalscorers | M McFarlane (81), Quinn (84)

Penicuik Athletic

Starting XI | Easton, Forbes, Baptie, Hume (c), Young, McConnell (T), Barr, Connolly, J Hamilton (T), Somerville, Montgomery

Subs | Williams, Trialist, G Hamilton, Lough

Goalscorer | Somerville (pen 1, 17, 28, 53, 57)

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